About the Participating Artists



Daniels, Jill

is an award-winning essay filmmaker and scholar. Her films explore memory, history, place and autobiography. Her monograph, Memory, Place and Autobiography: Experiments in Documentary Filmmaking was published in 2019. She is co-editor of Truth, Dare or Promise: Art and Documentary Revisited (2013) and co-chair of the editorial board of the Journal, Media Practice & Education. Her most recent film Resisters premiered in Chennai, India in 2022.

Karl Ingar Røys

Is a norwegian film maker and artist based all over the world.

Manuel Vargas

works at an office in Polanco, Mexico City. He goes to psychoanalysis on Tuesdays and is currently reading Roberto Bolaño's 2666. He has a Master's degree in Modern European Philosophy from Kingston University, London, UK. He was once a translator but now he is more into art.

Miroslava Salcido

Is a mexican writer, teacher, philosoph and performance artist.

Thomas Zetzmann

Is an alternative practinionar and artist based in Berlin.

Manuela Johanna Covini

works in Berlin and Mexico City. Her interest lies in telling unexpected stories.